To get back in the saddle means to resume doing something that you had stopped doing for some time.  In some cases, it refers to a scenario of picking yourself up after a negative experience and continuing on.

As I often say, life is a journey and we have many forks in the road and blocks that come up along the way.  This is ok.  The key is to press on.  We can’t control what happens to us in life, but we can control how we react to what happens.  This is easy to hear but not so easy to implement.  That part takes practice.  Thank God the human spirit is enduring!

As for me personally, I have focused this past year on trying to figure out what was wrong with myself and after a year of research and working with doctors we finally found that I have been sick from an exposure to mold toxins.  This is called mycotoxin illness ( I will share my story in another blog post).  Approximately 25% of the population has one or two of the genes where when exposed to mold, there body does not recognize it as a foreign invader and they will get sick.  That was me.  The good news is that this past year I have done nothing but research and now have a huge arsenal of health and wellness information to share with YOU regarding many topics on feeling your best!  Isn’t it often said that “God has a plan for us all along”?  Waiting is the hardest part!

Another reason that I used back in the saddle as title today was that I am literally back in the saddle!  Not only because I have been on a hiatus from blogging for a year, but because 5 weeks ago I had an accident on my horse and broke my pelvis.  I am almost totally healed, and I have been back in the saddle a little!

And this is what I want to convey. A little is OK!  I think as humans we are often so hard on ourselves, and have such high expectations of how we want things to turn out.  We don’t want “a little” but want “a lot” of everything.  We live in a era where we see perfection at every angle.  Pat yourself on the back when you get a “little win”.  The race wasn’t won in one fell swoop but often the winner makes it to the end in small baby steps.  Literally think of a baby walking.  How many times do they fall over and over before they master walking?   Our life is a representation of this same process.  We must always pull ourselves up and march on!  Be gentle on yourself and take some time out for YOU! 

Its YOUR life!  Live a great one! 


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9 thoughts on “BACK IN THE SADDLE”

  1. Anne – so glad that you are better and mending well! Very insightful … love your “”. Looking forward to future reads. Thank you

  2. I’m glad to hear that you are feeling much better. Sending you lots of hugs and warm regards.

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