For many the holidays can be a challenging time.  The pattern is that people tend to pack on the pounds and then right around the corner is the “New Year’s Resolution”, loose ten pounds!  What is one to do?

Here are little steps one can take to stay healthy during the holidays.  

  1. Eat before you go out.  Don’t head to a party completely starving. 

Have a healthy snack at home to curb your appetite.  When we are very hungry we tend to make poor choices.

2.  Eat the best-for-you offerings first.  Start with the salad, or the hot soup-especially when it is broth based, not cream-based.  Fill up on the healthy stuff first.

3.  Get plenty of sleep.  Research shows, our bodies hold on to more weight if we don’t get enough sleep.  Our systems become taxed and the body will not be as efficient.  Get 7-9 hours of sleep. 

4.  Stand more than an arm’s length away from munchies.  When your chatting with friends and sitting next to a bowl of nuts or chips, you will be tempted to raise your hand to your mouth every few seconds.

5.  Choose your holiday drinks wisely.  Choose drinks that have lower amounts of sugar such as:  mezcal, tequila, or vodka with soda and a squirt of lemon or lime.  This will be less likely to contribute to weight gain and less likely to give you a hangover. 

6.  Balance and moderation.  Life is meant to be lived and have fun!  It is the small changes and choices that can add up to meaningful results, and it is never too late too start.  Give yourself permission to have one of your favorite treats.  I find people who restrict too much, over indulge later.

I hope you find these simple tips helpful.  Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and Merry Christmas!  It’s your life…live a great one!  Power is in the choice.


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