Genetic Testing For Personal Healthcare

Personalized Health Care

I have not blogged for a while, as I am deep into studying and getting trained in interpreting DNA profiles, so I can better help others optimize their own health.

Your genes play a HUGE role in how your body responds to different health recommendations.  Ever wonder why there are so many diet books out there?  Why some people develop diabetes or heart disease even though they seem to take great care of themselves and others don’t?  Why some people have so many gut issues and others can eat anything? There is NO “one size all” plan for everyone.  You need to take your DNA into account!

I believe one day looking at a patients genetic profile will be commonplace in healthcare.  Why?  It takes out the guess work and offers a more targeted approach.  We ALL have snp’s or variants on our genes which can impact the production of the enzymes in our body and cause us to be impaired in certain pathways.  

The good news??  As I like to say “knowledge is information and information is power”!  We have so much power to make the changes we need based on our “genes” and then decrease oxidative stress, increase antioxidants, support detoxification, and support the healthy rebuilding of the cells and organs.  In other words, OPTIMIZE YOUR HEALTH!

This is truly personalized healthcare.  It can cut though the guesswork and offer a real targeted approach to people. I will outline an example that I personally experienced.

 Both of my parents had heart disease.  For me fitness has always been a huge part of my life, so this area was easy to ignore and assume, “it couldn’t possibly happen to me”!  At 50, I went to a cardiologist to get a “check up” even though I had NO symptoms.  He did a basic EKG in his office and then told me my health was excellent and that if I wanted to “waste my money” I could go on and do a stress test.  So I was sent away and told I was fine.  Good news.

Being the investigator that I am, I ended up running a genetic test on myself and learned that I do have several snp’s on the NOS gene.  This gene produces nitric oxide (NO), a key molecule that protects the function of your blood vessels.  This could put me in the category of being genetically vulnerable to the “risk” of heart disease.  Here is the EXCITING news.   It doesn’t mean I will get it at all, but it sure as heck means that I had better take care of myself and do the right things, or I might be more APT to developing it.  

I did do a at home saliva test to see what my nitric oxide levels are.  They were very low!  No good!!! I was kind of shocked, as I eat so well, but then realized the the variants that showed up on my NOS gene are what cause my low nitric oxide.  I can make changes with supplements to raise my Nitric Oxide levels.  I am currently adding organic beet powder to my shakes, which is proven to help raise levels.

This is the exciting!  This is healthcare of the future!  This is healthcare where we no longer soley suppress a symptom, but listen to the body talking to us through symptoms and then we  compensate the nutrient deficiency and or remove the toxic substances that are causing our body to be out of balance.  

The body will always try hard to heal itself if given half a chance!

What I have learned through my own health journey conquering lyme disease has put me on this path to helping others become the best version of themselves they can be at ANY age!

I will post more regarding this when I have completed my certification, so I can help YOU interpret your genetic data to put you on a path to wellness, and optimize your diet.

It’s Your Life, Live a Great One!

I hope you have found this helpful. Please reach out to me with any questions.

In Good Health,
