The first step is the most important…..JUST GET GOING

I think that we all need to give ourselves a break in life.  Sometimes we set goals that are just too lofty and in reality we never achieve them.  I believe that you just have to start and march forward with small steps.  Just getting little wins in your corner gives you the courage and momentum to move forward and then take bigger steps next time.  A way to conceptualize this is picture a baby learning to walk. It is a good thing that we don’t have to learn to walk as an adult. I don’t think many of us would make it.

We often can become paralyzed in life whether it is in regards to our own personal fitness goals, a new diet or career aspirations.  Why is this?

  1. We set “too” many goals.
  2. We set goals that are not realistic.
  3. Once we have a setback or do not thrive, we tend to give up.

So what is the answer?  I think we need to give ourselves a break.  I always like to say, “Tomorrow is the first day of a new book.  Write a good one.”  It doesn’t matter that you failed yesterday, that you ate too much, fell off your diet, stopped working out for a week etc.  Big deal! Give yourself  a break and start over tomorrow.  Tomorrow is always a brand new day.  That is the beauty of life.

Start with a small goal.  Depending where you are in your level of fitness/health make it easy.  Commit to walking around the block every day, as anyone can fit that into their life.  I find that it is most effective if you can get up 15 minutes earlier and go for it.  Get your day energized and it will really make a difference in your life.  Even the littlest tricks like parking your car far away or taking the stairs help.  It is the action that leads to a shift in the mindset, which then enables us to accomplish more with each little step and eventually reach those elusive goals.

To sum it up, I am including a excerpt from a friend of mine Kacy Catanzaro.  This is the “Mighty Kacy” from American Ninja Warrior (ANW).  Kacy won the hearts of millions after her incredible 2014 American Ninja Warrior run in Dallas, where she became the first woman in history to conquer the 14 ft. warped wall, complete a city finals course, and earn her spot to the Las Vegas Finals.  Kacy is a shinning example showing people that they can reach their goals and do anything they set their mind to!

Kacy’s advice is, “ Little goals are super important!  Setting and hitting little goals on the road to bigger goals helps to deal with disappointment and discouragement  throughout your journey.  Remember to reward yourself for smaller checkpoints; there is no true end goal, we are continually failing and getting back up.  It’s kind of cheesy, but I always listen to Miley Cyrus’ song, “The Climb”.  It gets me really pumped up because it’s so true!  It’s all about the journey to it.  The goal is just that one moment, which is awesome, but in that one moment I think about everything that led me there to make it possible.  It’s really important to keep making those goals, enjoy the journey, and keep moving forward.”

To learn more about this incredible athlete and follow her journey you can go to her website at www.kacycatanzaro.com and follow her on instagram @kacycatanzaro.

So remember, small steps lead to big results!  You only have one life and it is worth it to invest in yourself.  It is YOUR great life!   

Leave any comments or questions below, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

With Love and Gratitude,

